Reveal your fortune!

Fortune Cookie

Matthias eagerly takes your Dragon Dollars and hands you the fortune cookie.

You stare at it with both anticipation and nervousness.

Matthias' Shop

As you stroll through the garden, you notice a small, hidden path. You follow it and find yourself at a small building surrounded by a vast clearing.


A voice calls to you from inside.

Come on in!

Inside, a small mint dragon tumbles from the shelves and lands in front of you, propped up against the counter.

Matthias the mint dragonMy name is Matthias, I'm a humble businessmint. Pardon the mess.

The mighty Matthias of the business world looks you up and down (as best as he can anyway, he's not very tall), and his piercing gaze is confirmation that he's assessing how best to get the most of your Dragon Dollars.

The brief and unnerving silence concludes...

Now then, let's get right to business.

You never even asked, and yet he's going to tell you anyway.

(Terms and Conditions apply, please see Matthias' purchase policy.)

Matthias will sell you flairs to display alongside your username in exchange for Dragon Dollars, earned by clicking. You must be logged in.

Limited stock

These won't be around for long, so make sure to use them while you can.
  • Aquamarine

    March's entry for the rock garden.

Regular stock

I can sell you these at any time. Some are expensive, but well worth the money.
  • Anthurium

    The "flower" on an Anthurium is actually a spathe. The name comes from Greek origins, meaning "flower tail."

  • Bird of Paradise

    Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's a flower.

  • Black Calla Lily

    Calla, calla, calla, calla calla chameleon... You click and go... ♫

  • Blackrose

    Black roses don't exist... so just how did Matthias obtain them?

  • Buddleia

    I can't believe it's not butter-fly.

  • Dandelion

    Wish upon a st— dandelion.

  • Dragongrass

    A favourite among dragons.

  • Forget-me-not

    There was something to remember but you can't recall.

  • Glaze Lily

    Taking a moment to slow down and enjoy the finer things in life is always beneficial to your body and soul.

  • Gracidea

    A flower commonly used to express gratitude.

  • Hibiscus

    For tea lovers, Hibiscus has a great lemon-y taste. For nerds, it's used as a pH indicator.

  • Hyacinth

    Blue Hyacinth flowers signify sincerity. Sincerity for avid dragon clicking.

  • Lily

    A favourite among bouquet arrangements, but probably not something to keep near your Chaliuba Dragon.

  • Lupin

    You're driving me around the lupin.

  • Reimu Myrtle

    Aah! The cat turned into a cat!

  • Sakura

    Due to Garden Magic™, this Sakura is available at all times of the year.

  • Saxifrage

    There's over 400 species of Saxifrage, imagine if they were all available in the garden?

  • Snapdragon

    Snap, dragon and pop.

  • Sunflower

    A huge sunflower containing hundreds of seeds. Useful even after it wilts.

  • Violet

    A popular flower, violets symbolise innocence, modesty and everlasting love.

Purchase Policy

Matthias does not offer refunds. All sales are final. All transactions are exempt from The Consumer Protection (Distance Selling) Regulations Act 2000.

Art credits

Art by: 04uni, Arcy, Inghelene, Luci, Mu-Cephei