
Like any public garden, if you want visitors, you've got to advertise.

Proudly put one of these in your signature and you may very well show someone else the Way of Enlightenmint as they, too, become one with the Garden of Eden.

90x35 banner by Inghelene Inghelene
90x51 banner by Inghelene Inghelene
88x63 banner by Inghelene Inghelene
294x30 banner by IngheleneInghelene

Animated banner

animated 327x61 banner by Mu-Cepheianimated 327x61 banner by Mu-Cephei

These banners are examples. Your banner will display any eggs and hatchlings you currently have in the garden. If you have a flair, it'll be shown alongside your username. It updates at a minimum of every 30 minutes.

Type of statistic

Animated banners are only available to registered gardeners!

Other resources

Resources by other people, you should check them out!